Privacy Policy

 Hijuka LLC (We, Hijuka,, Zijukashipping, our, us) may share your information with your consent or as required by law, and we will always let you know when we make significant changes to this Privacy Policy. Maintaining your trust is our top priority, so we will adhere to the following principles to protect your privacy:
·         We will protect your personal information and will only provide it to users of (The Portal) and third parties: (1) with your consent; (2) where it is necessary to carry out your instructions; (3) as reasonably necessary in order to provide our services and functionality to you; (4) when we reasonably believe it is required by law, subpoena or other legal processes; or (5) as necessary to enforce our Terms and Conditions of Use or protect the rights, property, or safety of The Portal, Hijuka LLC, customers, other sellers,  visitors, and the public.
·         We have implemented appropriate security safeguards designed to protect your information in accordance with industry standards.
This Privacy Policy applies to web or mobile device access), any mobile apps, the advertising platform created by Hijuka LLC (and any successor products), and all apps, developer platforms, and other products and services (collectively the “Services”). We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time, and where we make material changes to it, we will provide notice through The Portal or by any other means available to us so that you may review the changes before you continue to use The Portal. If you object to any such changes, you are at liberty to discontinue the use of The Portal. Should you continue to use our Services and or Portal after we publish or communicate a notice about any changes to this Privacy Policy, it means that you are consenting to the changes.

1. The Information We Collect. 
1.1. Data Controllers.
We collect information when you use The Portal, to offer you a personalized and relevant experience, including growing your network and finding and enabling opportunities.
The personal information provided to or collected through The Portal is controlled by us. If you have any concern about providing information to us or having such information displayed on The Portal or otherwise used in any manner permitted in this Privacy Policy and the User Agreement, you should abstain from using The Portal, apps, or otherwise any services provided on The Portal. If you have already registered, you may close your account(s), if you so wish.
1.2. Ways in which we collect your personal information:
         I.            Registration
When you create an account on The Portal, we collect information (including your name, email address, telephone numbers, service area, category, and password). To create an account on The Portal, you must provide us with at least your name, email address, and/or mobile number, and a password and agree to our User Agreements and this Privacy Policy, which governs how we treat your information. You may provide additional information during the registration flow (for example, your address, and relevant information on your store, if applicable) to help you build your profile and to provide you with more customized services (for example language-specific profile pages, updates, content, more relevant adverts, and product opportunities). By registering and creating an account on The Portal, we and others will be able to identify you by your profile. We may also ask for your credit/debit card or account details if you purchase or sell products and make or receive payments on The Portal. 
Any information that you upload or sync with The Portal is covered by the User Agreements and this Privacy Policy. You can remove your information at your convenience and at any time.
     II.            Customer Service
We collect information when you contact us for customer support. When you contact our customer support services (e.g., on our Help Center), we may have to access your Incoming Mails, Groups, and other contributions to The Portal and collect the information we need to categorize your question, respond to them, and, if applicable, investigate any breach of our User Agreements or this Privacy Policy. We also use this information to track potential problems and trends and customize our support responses to better serve our members and other users. We do not use this information for advertising.
    III.            Using Third-Party Services and Visiting Third-Party Sites
We collect information when you use your account to sign in to other sites or services, and when you view web pages that include plugins and cookies that lead to The Portal.
You allow us to receive information when you use your account to log in to a third-party website or application. Also, when you visit a third-party site that embeds The Portals plugins, we receive information that those pages have loaded in your web browser. If you are logged in as a Member when you visit The Portal through any of the plugins, we use this information to recommend tailored content to you, to personalize the functionality we provide on third-party sites. We may provide reports containing aggregated impression information to companies hosting The Portals plugins and similar technologies to help them measure traffic to The Portal, but no personal data. 
You also allow us to receive information about your visits and interaction with the websites and services of our partners that include our cookies and similar technologies unless you opt out. If you are not a Member, we rely on the online terms between you and our partners.
  IV.            Cookies
We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information, including mobile application identifiers, to help us recognize you across different sites, learn about your interests both on and off The Portal, improve your experience, increase security, and measure the use and effectiveness of The Portal, and for advertising. You can control cookies through your browser settings and other tools. By visiting and/or using The Portal, you consent to the placement of cookies and beacons in your browser and HTML-based emails in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
      V.            Advertising Technologies and Web Beacons
We use advertising technologies and web beacons to collect information. We give you several ways to opt-out of targeted ads, including through the Advert Choices icon shown with any adverts we serve on third-party sites. If you do not want us to track you on third-party sites, you can opt out. If you do not opt out, you consent to our use of beacons and other advertising technologies.
We target (and measure the performance of) adverts to members, visitors, and others both on and off The Portal through a variety of advert networks and advert exchanges, using the following, whether separately or combined:
·            Advertising technologies on and off The Portal, like web beacons, pixels, advert tags, cookies, and mobile identifiers as permitted by mobile platforms;
·            Member-provided profile and contact information and categories;
·            Information inferred from a member‘s profile;
We may show you sponsored content, which will be designated as sponsored content. If you take social action (for example, if you “like” or “comment” on the sponsored content), your action may be seen by your network and other Members who are shown the sponsored content after you have acted on it. Please note that all actions and responses on are public unless expressly specified otherwise.
  VI.            Others
We will be constantly innovating to improve the services we provide through The Portal, which means we may create new ways to collect information on The Portal.
The Portal is a dynamic, innovative environment, which means we will always be seeking to improve the platform and services offered therein. We may often introduce new features, some of which may result in the collection of new information. Furthermore, new partnerships or corporate acquisitions may result in new features, and we may potentially collect new types of information. Whereat any time we start collecting substantially new types of personal information and materially change how we handle your data, we will modify this Privacy Policy and notify you accordingly.

2. How we use your personal information 
2.1. Consent to Processing Information About You
You agree that the information you provide on your profile can be seen by others and used by us as described in this Privacy Policy and our User Agreement. The personal information that you provide on The Portal may reveal or allow others to identify aspects of your life and/or business that are not expressly stated on your profile. By providing personal information on The Portal when you create or update your account and profile, you are expressly and voluntarily accepting the terms and conditions of our Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement and freely accepting and agreeing to our using and processing of your personal information in ways set out by this Privacy Policy. When you supply/upload to The Portal any information deemed “sensitive”, by applicable law is entirely voluntary on your part. You can withdraw or modify your consent to our collection and processing of the information you provide at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the User Agreement, by changing your account settings or your profile on or by closing your accounts.
2.2. Use of Information
We may use information held about you in the following ways:
  • To provide users of The Portal with information, products or services that are required or provided, product opportunities that may be of interest to users of The Portal, where they have consented to be contacted for such purposes.
  • To carry out any obligations arising from any contracts entered between users of The Portal and
  • To assess the technical performance of The Portal and to enhance service levels.
  • To allow users to participate in interactive features of The Portal when they choose to do so.
  • To notify users about changes to The Portal.
We may also use your data, or permit selected third parties to use your data, to provide users of The Portal with information about products, adverts, and services that may be of interest to them and may contact you about these by post or via the user contact details.
We will not disclose information about identifiable individuals to its advertisers. We may however provide them with aggregate information about our users (for example, we may inform them that 500 men aged under 40 have clicked on their advertisement on any given day). We may also use such aggregate information to help advertisers reach the kind of audience they want to target. We may make use of the personal data we have collected from you to enable us to comply with our advertisers' wishes by displaying their advertisements to that target audience.
We will not sell, rent, trade, share, reveal or disclose any of your personal information, unless:
  • You have specifically requested that we do so;
  • We deem it necessary to provide you with the services you have requested;
  • We are required to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction or by a governmental order, decree, regulation, or rule of any regulatory agency;
  • Our Terms and Conditions of Use state that we will;
  • We reasonably believe that the use of disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to an individual's life, health, or safety or a serious threat to public health or safety; or
  • We have reason to suspect that unlawful activity has been, is being, or maybe engaged in and the use or disclosure of your personal information is a necessary part of our investigation of the matter or in reporting our concerns to relevant persons or authorities.
We may provide aggregate information and statistics about users, traffic patterns, and related site information to third parties, but these statistics will not include individual personal information. 
Some of the services provided on The Portal may be hosted by third parties but we agree with those third parties that they will keep your information secure and not use it for other purposes.
If you sign up for product opportunities and/or services that are managed, required, or offered by other stores, sellers, or organizations, they will obtain your information.
A number of other people's websites have links on The Portal. If you link to their sites, they may collect information. Such sites are not within our control and are not covered by this privacy policy.

3. Your Choices & Obligations 
3.1. Rights to Access, Correct, or Delete Your Information, and Closing Your Account
You can change your profile information at any time by editing your profile, deleting content that you may have posted, created by you, or which may have been opened or created for you by based on information available in the public domain. You may also at any time of your choice decide or opt to close your account. You can also ask us for additional information we may have about your account.
Users have a right to:
(1) Access, modify, correct, or delete personal information controlled by us with regards to their profile, 
(2) Change or remove their content, and 
(3) Close their account. 
You can request your personal information that is not viewable on your profile or readily accessible to you (for example, your IP access logs) through our Help Center. If you close your account(s), your information will generally be removed from the Portal within 24 hours. We generally delete closed account information and will de-personalize any logs or other backup information through the deletion process within 30 days of account closure.
Please note Information you have shared with others (for example, through email, network updates, content sharing, or Groups) or that others have copied may remain visible after you have closed your account or deleted the information from your own profile. Groups content associated with closed accounts will show an unknown user as the source. In addition, you may not be able to access, correct, or eliminate any information about you that other users copied or exported out of The Portal, because such information may not be in our control. Your public profile may be displayed in search engine results until the search engine refreshes its cache.

3.2. Data Retention
We will keep your information for as long as your account is active or as needed. For example, we may keep certain information even after you close your account if it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this agreement.
We retain the personal information Users provide while their accounts are in existence or as needed to provide services and opportunities. We may retain your personal information even after you have closed your account if retention is reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes between Members, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this Privacy Policy and our User Agreements. We may retain personal information, for a limited period, if requested by law enforcement. Our Customer Service may retain information for as long as is necessary to provide support-related reporting and trend analysis, but we generally delete or de-personalize closed account data consistent with Section 3.1., except in the case of our plugin impression data (i.e., the information that you provided when you visited sites carrying The Portal’s plugin), which we de-personalize within 7 days (although we do maintain 30 days worth of web server logs for security, debugging, and site stability purposes only) by creating aggregate data sets that cannot be traced back to individuals.           

4. Important Information 
4.1. Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes in the way we treat your personal information, or to the Privacy Policy, we will provide notice to you on The Portal or by some other means, such as email. Please review the changes carefully. If you agree to the changes, simply continue to use The Portal. If you object to any of the changes to our terms and you no longer wish to use The Portal, you may close your account(s). Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. Using The Portal after a notice of change has been communicated to you or published on The Portal shall constitute consent to the changed terms or practices.

4.2. Security
We have implemented security safeguards designed to protect the personal information that you provide in accordance with industry standards. Access to your data on The Portal is password-protected, and data such as credit card and other financial information is protected in accordance with relevant laws and regulations when it is exchanged between your web browser and The Portal. We also offer secure HTTPS access to the Portal. To protect any data you store on our servers, we also regularly monitor our system for potential vulnerabilities and attacks, and we use a tier-one secured-access data center. However, since the Internet is not a 100% secure environment, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to and through us. There is no guarantee that information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. It is your responsibility to protect the security of your login information. Please note that emails, instant messaging, and similar means of communication with other members of the Portal are not encrypted, and we strongly advise you not to communicate any confidential information through these means. Please help keep your account safe by using a strong password.

How To Contact Us
If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email